About Us

Rabbit Island Coffee Co Bryn & Carley Lloyd


Rabbit Island Coffee Co is a family owned and operated business, where we all come together and share our passion for coffee.

We purchased the business from Ali and Steve in October 2022. Despite the highly saturated coffee industry here in NZ, we knew that the roasting profile that Ali and Steve had developed was a little bit different, and unique enough to stand out from the rest. And lets not forget the perfect shop location on the Māpua Wharf where we have expanded the retail shop to include fresh flowers on the weekend and New Zealand based specialty products. The perfect combination for a specialty coffee company that focuses on quality.

We love good coffee and were proud to take over such a great product and brand. We live in Māpua with our three young kids and feel very privileged to walk a short distance to work each morning.

Our specialty coffee beans are enjoyed in cafes and homes all across New Zealand and we take pleasure in knowing that the farmers who grow our beans have been rewarded for their exceptional product.

Come visit us in Māpua, or experience our unique coffee blends from the comfort of your home with our online subscription service delivering to your doorstep.

Much love,
Bryn and Carley Lloyd